17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

I´m interesting know about my relationships, if I´ll marry, when???...

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Hello 020,You have portrayed some very much questionable questions to me including the followings:
Left hand
right hand
1. I´m interesting know about my relationships, if I´ll marry, when???...
2. if I´ll have children...
3. if is possible about my carrer.4. I have a doubt about my left hands line. Have I a girdle venus? --------------------------At first we should take a brief look at your nature and attitude. You will see that your head line and life line are separated but that remains joined in the hand of most other people. So you are extraordinary in this case. But head line and life line are separated, what does it mean? 
Head line and life line are separated
This separation in both hands confirms that you can take decisions instantly and independently, and you become daring sometimes, at least mentally.
But the problem arises, when the head line is sloping. 
It indicates that you are inclined to work or do anything only by moods. If the mood or desire doesn't come, though you are always brilliant and clever, may often waste your life doing nothing. Being moody won't help you much in your relationship and career. If you become moody, you are becoming a slave of your mind, but if you ignore your mood and keep working even if there is no mood for work, only then you are going to be the master of yourself.Your marriage lines are lying at 22, 28 and 34 years age, so you will fall in love at those years and eagerly plan to get married. If you examine your marriage lines carefully, you will see that left hand marriage lines are indicating 22 and 34 years age for love and marriage. But in the right hand, you will see that there is only one deep marriage line at 28 years age and a careful look will reveal some vertical lines crossing the marriage line. These crossing lines represent trouble in your love and relationship. That means you won't be happy in that relationship. So look for a relationship at 34 years age and that will surely be better for you, I can promise:)In your left hand, that was forming a girdle of venus, yes. Girdle of Venus is simply related to intellectuality and moody nature. In your right hand, that is not present. It indicates that your moody nature is much minimized now. About children, I don't know for sure. If anything I can help, let me know. If you have any comment, please put it in the comment link below.

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