30 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Finger Shapes and Meanings

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like the five hand types, the fingers can be shaped in five different manners, each having a separate and distinct meaning in palmistry. The four basic shapes and their corresponding meanings are:
  • Conical: These are the fingers of wise, old souls who possess terrific insight and inner knowledge, as well as creativity; these are great friends and supportive people.
  • Pointed: These fingers point to expensive, eclectic tastes and a great eye for style and décor. Those with pointed fingers are also deeply spiritual and intuitive.
  • Spatulate: These fingers indicate predominance of the intellect; people with spatulate fingers tend to be witty and interesting, with many layers to their personalities. They are also serious workaholics and can be obsessed with success — but they always make time for serious adventure.
  • Squared: These fingers signal the need for simplicity and are common with people who are direct, fair, and considerate. These folks are quite willing to work hard for what they want in life, making them ideal business people who lead by positive example.
Conical, pointed, spatulate, and square fingersMixed finger shapes are very uncommon; a person whose fingers have elements of two or more shapes have a tendency to be unpredictable — they show one side of themselves to the outside world, and have another side that is distinctly different and completely private.

Smooth or Knobby?

Are your fingers looking a little like they've been through the wringer? If you think you have “knobby” fingers characterized by knots in your finger knuckles, more than likely the cause is rheumatism or arthritis — but some knots can occur naturally without pointing to a specific illness.
Knobby fingers without a medical explanation speak to mental capacity, particularly the ability to analyze situations and come to the correct conclusions about them. People with knots in their finger joints sometimes stew over the little things in life, but have a knack for stepping up to the plate when an emergency situation arises.
A knobby fingerPeople with smooth fingers are much more impulsive than their knotted-fingered counterparts. They often mistake their own hunches for proven truth. They don't always think before they act, and end up being surprised that their actions have manifested the situation they most wanted to avoid. Often, they just don't understand how their actions will affect the lives of others, and as a result, others see them as cold or self-absorbed. They can take an unmovable stance on a subject, often flat-out refusing to change their minds, even when the truth becomes known.
You should never try to argue logically with a smooth-fingered person; instead, try persuading them by helping them to experience the truth, make them think the correct conclusion was their decision, or let them make their mistakes and learn from hard experience.

When the knots occur between the first and second joints of the fingers, this means you have an almost-supernatural power to analyze the complex — you can see things that aren't clearly visible to others. The knots separating the second and third finger joints indicate the more mundane ability to analyze people and things.

Finger Length

Now that we've looked at finger shape and joints, let's move on to length and its meaning. The total length of a finger can be measured from the center of the knuckle to the tip of the finger. A finger is considered to be short if it doesn't reach the joint immediately below the nail on the next-longest finger. A finger is long if it exceeds this joint in length and extra long if it is the same size or larger on what is usually the next-longest finger.
As a rule, short-fingered people are interested only in quick results. They can see people or situations with broad perspective. If the hand has a strong thumb, a long first finger, and a solid head line, short fingers can have quite a capacity for work and don't mind “pulling the wagon” or doing their fair share of work.
A hand with long fingers A hand with short fingersDo you have long fingers on your hands? Long-fingered types absolutely adore details and are good “idea” people. If your fingers are unusually long, similar to the pointed or psychic type of hand, you are likely a person who gets so wrapped up in ideas and possibilities that you never act on them.

Finger Lines meaning

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Reading Finger LinesAs an even deeper indicator of your obstacles or challenges in life, your fingers can have vertical or horizontal lines on them that correspond directly to the areas of your life represented by each of your fingers.

If you have horizontal lines on your Jupiter finger, it can mean that you will experience a breach of confidence; on your Saturn finger, the same lines reveal worries or insecurities about your home or personal life. Horizontal lines on the Apollo finger depict opposition to your happiness — and those threats may be more apparent in your married life if the horizontal lines are plentiful on both the Saturn and Apollo fingers. On the Mercury finger, horizontal lines can point to sexual inhibition or difficulties.Vertical lines on fingers pertain directly to health problems. On the Jupiter finger, the thyroid is affected; on Saturn, it's the pineal gland that's the problem. Vertical lines on the Apollo finger relate to the thymus, which can in turn mean that the cardiovascular system is somehow impaired, with blood pressure too high or too low. Have your thyroid gland checked if you have vertical lines on your Mercury or little finger. Vertical lines can also mean you have issues pertaining to poor circulation or high blood pressure.

Power over Your Troubles

Most health problems can be overcome with early intervention, so use these lines as warning signs and go to your doctor for regular checkups. It will be interesting to watch your horizontal and vertical finger lines change as you deal positively with each health challenge that presents itself; remember, the lines change as we change.As a final note, many fingers feature a combination of both horizontal and vertical lines, which means you have the power to overcome the obstacles associated with each finger or aspect of your life. If your fingers contain mixed lines, you are blessed with the ability to come through obstacles smelling like a rose! Horizontal and vertical linesIf you have lots of short, horizontal lines on your fingers, you probably suffer from excess stress and should try relaxation or meditation techniques to help calm your nerves. Lots of vertical lines typically mean hormonal problems. For instance, a woman with lots of vertical lines on her fingers might suffer from PMS or hormonal imbalances.

The rascette

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Each person in the world has some form of wrist lines on the hand, and they are considered one of the nine sets of minor lines that bring extra interpretive information to a hand. Collectively, the wrist lines are known as the rascette, and there are generally three of them (though in some cases there may be four); these lines may be referred to as the first, second, and third rascette.
The rascette is of vital importance because it connects the hand to the brain that thinks, the heart that feels, the feet that travel, and the chemicals in the body that create the lines of the hands.When you are examining the rascette, don't read further than where your wrist bones meet the radius bone on your arm. When reading rascettes, you always want to stay focused on the major lines around the wrist.

Fatalist Hand signs on your palm: Warnings and Danger

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Now that you know what kind of a traveler you are, it's time to read the warning signs displayed on your palm.
As with any other line, the interpretation of a travel line is subject to other markings:
  • Overlaps and breaks on the travel line indicate that travel will be delayed at that point.
  • Bars and other lines that cross the travel line show obstacles to travel and interferences that you must overcome.
  • A star on the travel line is an indication that there could be danger or disaster ahead — perhaps a train or car accident, or problems with delays caused by a faulty aircraft. Look to your life line to see if there is a corresponding star in the same frame as the journey to see how much cause there is for concern.
  • An island on a travel line means a traveler should beware, because the trip may have an entirely unanticipated and nasty end, such as bad travel connections that leave you stranded, getting lost in unfamiliar territory, or not being able to achieve the goals of the trip. It could even be as serious as a dangerous result, say becoming the victim of a crime.
  • A square on the travel line adds protection for the traveler at the point where it appears.


Transverse Markstransverse marks

A transverse linw marking on the hand is an evil sign that nullifies the positive qualities of any mount it is found upon. Though a person may have the markings of a heroic mount, these qualities can be reduced if it has a score of transverse lines. If transverse lines are found across the Mount of Mercury, it indicates that the bearer will use his/her talents of diplomacy and tact for deceit and guile for ill gains.

Vertical Marksvertical marks

Vertical markings are a benefic sign. If found on the mounts, they heighten its positive qualities and assist in annulling any poor signs also located on the mount. They are theopposites of the aforementioned transverse markings. Vertical markings upon the Mount of Mercury will bring a great deal of tact and loquaciousness to serve for pleasant communication and friendship. It will emphasize science and business skills. Two vertical lines on the Mount of Mercury are often the symbol of a Doctor or Biologist.

The Grillegrille lines

The grille is a point at which the energies of the hand dissipate or escape out. If grilles are found throughout the entirety of the hand, the power of its bearer is constantly drained by vexations and imagined slights. If a grille appears on the mount, it saps or thwarts the qualities of the mount, e.g. such a Grille on the Mount of Apollo will forever put off the attainment of any true success in life.

The Crosscross at palm

Crosses always denote troubles, disappointment, danger, and when found on lines, the harm to the bearer may be aggravated as the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ. Occasionally it can refer to a dramatic change in one's life due to a crisis or hardship. They should always be considered an ill omen save for two cases: when found on the Mount of the Jupiter and when located between the Head and Heart lines, known as the "Croix Mystique". The bearer of such a symbol is purported to possess a greater degree of mysticism, occultism, and superstition. The position of the "Croix Mystique" is also quite important. If located high up, near the Mount of Jupiter, the bearer will exhibit belief in mysticism only for their own gain. Those with crosses further from the Mount of Jupiter will care more for the principles and methods by which the mystical experience was expressed rather than its immediate application to themselves.

The Starpalm star

The star is a symbol of good and sudden brilliance in a person's life. A line that ends in a star signifies the greatest accomplishments possible; however, the star often carries with it an unpleasant price. For example if the Line of Apollo ends in a star, it denotes great fame, but this often results in the bearer suffering the loss of their private sphere to their successful public sphere.A star on the mounts will naturally denote great proficiency with the mount's corresponding traits, yet these traits may consume some of the other bearer's qualities. The star is certainly a sign to be viewed with great caution.

The Islandisland

The Island is always a negative sign. It is often a sign of some hereditary evil, such as a heart condition or intemperance with spirits, but it may just as easily represent non-congenital emotional stress. The island is a gradual and prolonged, and oft times subtle period of strife in an individual's life. It could represent mounting stress on the line of the head, and manifest itself as headaches. On the Line of Fate, It could be a period in which the individual finds himself surrounded with mounting debts that peak at the widest point of the island.These misfortunes will last to the extent that the island is long.

The Squarepalm square

The square is almost always a benefic symbol. It denotes an especial significance when covering an area that is experiencing turmoil, such as chained, broken, or dotted lines. In this instance, difficulties will arise but the bearer will persevere and the crisis will be averted or thwarted. Damage may be reduced to a minimal one or prevented all together. A square after perturbations in a line signifies repair.The one instance in which the square denotes negative influences is when it is found on the upper portion of the Mount of Venus near the life line, where it denotes detention or incarceration.

The Circlepalm circle

The circle is a very rare marking in palmistry. It is an evil mark unless it be on a mount, in which case it usually augments the powers and promise of a mount. If it touches any line, it brings inescapable misfortune to the line it touches.The native would go round and round in a circle without being able to break through and get free out of life's hassles.

The Trianglepalm triangle

The triangle is a positive sign, though strong significance should be ascribed to it only when it stands as an independent mark, not composed of intersecting lines. It denotes mental flourish and success corresponding to the location of the mark, i.e., if it were to be found upon the Mount of Apollo, it would denote an artistic success. If found alongside a line, it will naturally take on significance dependent upon the line.The triangle will never reach the great heights of success,but it possesses balance and will not carry with it the backlash that so often accompanies the star.

The Spotpalm dots

The spot is a sign of a distinct event or malady, though it often comes in groups that denote a chronic disorder. If found on a line, it typically signifies a temporary illness corresponding to the line, e.g., a spot on the Line of Head indicates some violence to the head or brain fever.

The Tridentpalm trident

The trident is a most propitious marking wherever it may lay. If it rises from a line, it will expound the qualities of that line and draw additional power from the mounts or lines that branch on either side head towards. If found on a mount, the trident carries with it great flourish of the properties of that mount in conjunction with its neighboring mounts. The trident is such a powerful symbol that it eclipses the star in beneficence.

The Tasselpalm tassel

A tasseled line can oft be found at the end of the lifeline; as the individual weakens and deteriorates with age, so too does the line. Such is the case with the Line of Head, where it denotes a weakening of mental clarity and approaching senility or old age ; the Line of Heart with a deteriorating heart condition or emotional trauma that has left the individual very feeble and unstable.

Drooping Offshootsdroping offshoots

Lines that droop from any larger line indicate a disappointment in life. Along the Line of Heart, it denotes disappointment in love or an unfortunate event in which the individual became too emotionally involved. Along the Line of Head, it may signify the obstruction of one's ideals or disillusionment

Rising Offshootspalm rising offshoots

Rising offshoots are the inverse of the drooping offshoots. They represent periods of sudden inspiration, fruition, and happiness. It will draw upon the qualities of the mount that it is directed to. For example, an offshoot springing from the Line of Head and nearing the Mount of Mercury is a sign of scientific prowess--perhaps an invention, or a discovery, or a synthesis of concepts that have long been drifting through the individual's mind, but had hitherto been dissociated.

Sister Linespalm sisterlines

Sister lines support the line along which they follow. Some sister lines are quite common, such as the Line of Mars, which accompanies and strengthens the constitution denoted by the Line of Life; The Line of Apollo is a sister line for the Line of Fate, as it serves a similar function and accentuates the fulfillment one feels in the course of their career.Sister lines protect and heal lines that are broken, crooked, frayed, or side-by-side. Lest a line exist with several negative markings, sister lines will be the guiding hand that shall shield the bearer from the brunt of life's assaults.

How to read palms, easy steps... Palm reading provides a glimpse into your future

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there are many distinctly different shapes of palms such as round, square, narrow or fleshy, representing personality characteristics. Also indicated is that the length and shape of the fingers can indicate traits such as strength, happiness, discipline or friendship.

palm reading guide

Line 1: Heart Line

  • Of the three main lines of the palm, the heart line is the one on top, just below the fingers. This line tells the tale of your emotions and love life (which is why it is sometimes called the love line).
  1. Does the line begin under your index finger, middle finger, or somewhere in between?
    • If it begins under your index finger, you're more likely to be in loving, stable relationships in your life.
    • If it begins under your middle finger, it means you're when it comes to love.
    • A heart line that starts in between these fingers indicates that you .
  2. How deep, defined and consistent is the line?
    • A broken line means you're flirtatious.
    • A circle interrupting the line represents a in your love life.
    • Deeper heart lines equal deeper emotions within the person.
  3. What is the shape and length of the line?
    • If the line goes all the way across your entire hand it may mean you're a naturally jealous person.
    • A straighter line indicates you can handle your emotions well, while a curvy line means you're more prone to being handled by your emotions.
    • A short heart line is a sign that you are more interested in sex than love.1

Line 2: Head Line

  • Found just below the heart line is your head line. This is where your intellectual and philosophical story is told. The photo to the right is of a hand that has a particularly straight head line, although it can also be curved.
  1. Does your head line meet up with your life line (the next main line down on your hand)?
    • If so, you're probably a more cautious person. If they're apart, you're more of an adventurous risk-taker.
    • If they don't meet, the more space that is between them, the luckier a person you are].
  2. What shape is your head line?
    • A curved head line means you're creative, while a straighter line reflects a more logical, realistic approach to thinking.
    • A wavy head line means a short attention span.
  3. How deep is your head line?
    • The depth of your head line indicates how good your memory is. Deep head lines mean better memory.
    • A broken head line shows inconsistencies in your thinking or a specific change in thinking in your life.2

Line 3: Life Line

  • The third and lowest of the three major palm lines is the life line. It gives you clues about the nature of your life and health.
  1. What shape is your life line?
    • If it forms a semicircle, it represents truth and enthusiasm.
    • A wavy life line indicates energy and optimism.
    • A straight life line usually means you are cautious with love in your life.
  2. How deep and consistent is the life line?
    • A broken life line is an indication of poor health.
    • A deeper, defined life line represents vitality.
  3. A longer life line means a longer life.
    • If you're genuinely worried about the length of your life line, just remember that even if you believe palmistry can predict the future, the lines on our hands change throughout our lives, so the future is not set in stone (or flesh).3

Other Considerations

  • Besides the three major lines, there are plenty of other aspects to analyze when reading one's palm.

Other Lines

  • There are several other lines that may or may not be on the palm. Some of them include:
  1. Fate line (red): Reveals your future successes/failures and denotes the influence of outside factors on your life.
  2. Marriage line (blue): This line (or lines) is found on the side of the hand under the little finger and indicates your.
  3. Health line (green): Shows your overall health over your lifetime.
  4. Fame line (purple): Illustrates your public recognition.
  5. Girdle of Venus (yellow): Shows how sensitive and moody you are.4

Which Hand?

  • Each hand tells a different story.
    • Your dominant hand (the right hand if you're right-handed) represents changes and developments in your talents and personality.
    • Your weak hand tells you about your natural personality, the traits you were born with.5


  • The palm mounts are the little mounds of flesh that raise out of the palm (like at the base of each finger).
  1. The study of these mounts is called chirognomy.
  2. The Institute of Palmistry says that mounts are representative of various types of brain activity.6
  3. There are eight mounts (though two called Mars), each with a different celestial name such as Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun.
  4. The mounts are indicative of many traits including ambition, artistic appreciation, courage, and imagination among many others.
  5. Texture, firmness, and size are a factor in analyzing mounts.7

Hand and Fingernail Shapes

  • Besides the palm itself, you can gain insight on a person by looking at how the rest of the hand looks, as well.
  1. There are 4 main types of hand shapes: pointed, square, coned, and spade, also called earth, air, water and fire.
  2. Your hand can also be a mixture of these basic shapes.
  3. Different hand and finger shapes mean different temperaments and personalities.
    • Coned hands indicate artistic and creative abilities.
    • Those with pointed hands tend to appreciate beauty.8
  4. Fingernails that are long in shape belong to those with a gentle disposition, while short nails mean you are critical and skeptical.
  5. If your fingernails are very long and dirty, it probably just means you should better groom yourself.

26 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Detailed palm line analysis: Childhood of 011, 012, 013 and 014

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I am working on four requests at this time. I hope it will saves time, effort and above all, you can compare for yourself, what about the line of other people. But, of course, this is a massive work and I will do it bit by bit. So please keep patience and stay with me to reveal the hidden meanings of the mysterious palm lines! Well then, let's roll our sleeves and get down to business :)

011 left

011 right

012 left
012 right
014 left
014 right

1. Early childhood conditions 

011: Your head lines on your left and right hand are not identical. In your early childhood time, you were a little daring enough to express your opinions but now you have become cautious and careful to present your ideas and views before others. The head line shows that you have become more careful about your choices and often you tend to dawdle to decide what would be the best choice.

013: No prediction available because you did not provide your left hand photos.

012: You have almost identical endings of head line on both hands. That means you have grown up liberally without hampering your natural tendencies. It directly implies that your childhood was smooth and favorable, much or no trouble or financial stress.

014: Compare your left and right head lines. You will notice by yourself that the right hand head line bends much more than the left one. That means your imaginative and moody nature has been further fueled by sufficient comfort and care of others. I can easily tell that there was no financial stress, you have been taken care of very well by your parents, possibly because you are the most adorable child to them, if that is not true, you can kill me. :)
(To be continued...)At least you can make some comment here!

Free palm reading for 011 and feedback

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Though I was to offer a free palm reading only for love and marriage, but I made an attempt to show the interested learners the aggregate of analysis of all the principal lines along with its real feedback in red lines. Hope it will increase the understanding on palm lines much more. This you can take as a sample of full palm analysis though it will vary from person to person depending on their palm lines.

left hand

right hand

1.Head line analysisEnding: The ending of head line on both hand is quite same straight, that means 1.    your childhood conditions were favorable enough, especially without any financial stress where you would have to earn your food by yourself and well this is true but now as I am getting older I need money so I can spend it on myself2.    you grew up with natural practicality, by this you mean that I am straightforward then yes3.    careful about handling money, true, I think before spending and since the line is short, logically it indicates a shortcoming of your brain power, that means 4.    you have not studied enough to develop your brain. As I have often seen, people with short head lines aren’t so good in study and they aren’t highly educated. Can you prove me wrong? Well not sure about this one but I am currently in college in my 2nd year studying business admin so if that isn’t considered as highly educated then you are right.And head line ends curving upward, indicating that5.    Your mentality is growing up in such a way that the more you live, the more will be your desire for money and determination to possess it and this desire will be stronger every year. True, I would like to have sufficient money to live a happy and healthy life.BeginningYour head line begins joining the life line and that means, in your inner core of your mind, you are cautious, and since the end is straight, now you have developed your mentality in such a way that 6.    you have become determined and reliable . i am reliable, trustworthy
Island SignYour head line consists of islands in the form of continuous chain. It is said to be a sign of low blood circulation in brain, 7.    that will make you to act in erratic fashion. Obviously it will be difficult for you to stick to one task or job constantly. Well since I am 20 years old, haven’t had that many jobs, maybe in future. I’ll let you know as the life goes on.
Change of Track of head lineFrom around 25 years age, there are fine lines rising upward, that indicates unusual strain in life at that age and8.    from this age you will develop a more practical and business like attitude that will prevail throughout the rest of your life. So this means that I will be doing my own business by that age?  If yes, then what kind?There are more such upward lines from head line afterward, indicating 9.    Such stressful situations will come also in future and you will be able to handle it with a business like attitude. good
2.   Life line analysisAppearanceThin life line with numerous lines crossing from Mars represents 10. Weak health and skinny body structure and. Amazing! That how much the palm can tell us. I am kind of skinny. Everyone tells me to join the gym. Well I guess the time hasn’t come yet.11. Strong nerve that will help you to hold out under any strain of ill health. That means you have the nerve to walk even in high fever where others would have to retire to bed. True, If I have high fever I go outside in fresh air and I feel better.Beginning PlaceYour life line seems to begin from Jupiter mount. So the quality of Jupiter will be dominant in your whole life and 12. You will have more control over your temper I try to control it, I get irritated very easily by little things. 13. And your life will be governed by the ambitious side of your nature. So I am guessing this is a good thing?Around from 30 years age, a second life line accompanies the first one, indicating that14. After 30 years age onwards, your health will be in better condition, good to hear this.15. And there will be greater efforts to achieve something related to your purpose of life at that age. and as there are sun lines, I can tell, your efforts and work will be recognized and appreciated by all. How to find the purpose of life?16.  You will live beyond 70. Nice, as long as I am healthy then wouldn’t mind living that long.
3.   Fate lineYou have faint or shadowy fate line on your right hand whereas a clear fate line is visible in left hand. Assuming you are right handed like most of the people, 17.  I can say, somehow you wasted your early life and the life path that you are undertaking right now is much shadowy, as if you knew nothing about what to do with this life, not aimless, I would rather say, without any steady purpose of life. That is so true, sometimes I do think why am I here? What am I doing? Getting up in the morning going to school/work is that the purpose of life? 18. You disbelieve the idea of fate or destiny and here I don’t agree with you. I highly believe in fate/destiny. I believe whatever is to happen will happen no matter what.19. You will surely be successful by your mentality alone, if you have a steady purpose of life. Sun line guarantees your success. Good to hear this!As your sun line descends down to head line, 20. Success from your efforts will be more brilliant and radiant after 35 years age. Uhm 15 years to go.:)
4.   Heart lineAs your heart line bends down under Jupiter, it says that21. You won’t be able to make any successful long term relationship, I guess, you have already known it from your life. Not yet22. If you marry, then family life will also be troublesome. Will keep that in mindAlso your heart line consists of little lines, indicating 23. Inconstancy in love affairs and24. Most of the cases love and affection won’t last long.
5.   Marriage lineYour marriage line says that25. your marriage will happen at around 30 years age,  30 years..well someone else told me that it would be around 25-26.26. but somehow you will be separate from each other, may be after a few years of marriage, will it be love or arrange marriage? What do you have to say about kids, if any?though the separation doesn’t necessarily meant to be legal separation.
And since there are many astray lines running throughout the palm, 27. there will be unexpected events throughout your whole life. What kind of unexpected event? Can you give an example?28. The final thing I want to say is you can’t hope for the favor of fate, rather use your own brain and try to develop it. You will get success, though your family life and relationship will be a little troubled, I am afraid.The above points I mentioned are just some inferences drawn in the light of palmistry knowledge. I am just presenting here what the signs tell us about you. Obviously there might be good and bad points. My opinion is if they satisfy your judgment, you can pay heed to them and do accordingly what will be favorable to you, or you can simply ignore them saying that these are rubbish. It’s totally up to you. I will appreciate feedback on numbered points so that  I can make my predictions better by learning from my mistakes. May you be happy and safe. Good luck.Sansayan Chakma

From the above analysis, we see that we can perfectly able to say about his character, his view, his possible future etc. just from having a look at the palm lines.  The more the palmist can exploit his analytical ability, the truer results can come out. Isn't this amazing?

love and relationship signs for 012

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left hand
right hand

For good love and relationship, first of all the heart line must be neat and clean, starts from Jupiter mount and should be straight. This is what you have in your right hand. and it obviously indicates that

  1. you will be successful in love and relationship.
  2. Your affection will last long and you will be able to carry on a single relationship for years with a successful culmination.
  3. You will surely find a life partner with whom you will be much proud and content. Your family life will be peaceful.
Apart from love and relationship, 
  1. For marriage, the most important age is around 30-32 years. 
You have a rare but lucky sign to become happy in love and marriage. If you need to know anything else, please let me know.Best wishes to you.

Love and marriage signs for 013

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Hello 013,
Here I am going to analyze only the signs related to your love and marriage, as I said in the offer.

You have two marriage lines at 20 and 33 years. So logically

  • You will fall in love and really really wish to marry at 20 and 33 years age.
  • Your marriage or deep relationship of 33 years age will, as a rule, end up in a situation where your partner may die by gradual ill health or illness of a very long duration.
  • You have a square sign under your index finger, that promises a good marriage, to a person of higher personal or social status. But true partner you won't be able to find out, for there are lots of descending lines in your heart line.
  • As you have star in sun mount, that is a very good sign, because others will like you, and you will be highly liked and esteemed for your beauty and qualities. 
But the real peace you can't find among others, you will need to find it within yourself through meditation. You have many qualities, and I will ask you to acquire another beautiful tool to find inner peace, meditation.
Regards and best wishes so that your love and marriage may work out nicely.

Palm analysis of love and marriage for 014

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Hello 014,
right hand
left hand
For love and marriage signs I will need to look at the marriage lines and heart lines.

You are one of the luckiest persons for whom I feel happy because your signs say that your love will turn into a successful marriage and I can tell, since you have a clean heart line, your family life will be peaceful. You will be happy with your spouse. What else could I say? 

23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Palm analysis concerning love and marriage for 015

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Right hand

I would like to know about my Job, Money and Marriage. Please tell me do I have business fortune? Because I expect to start a business in near future.Thank you and I am looking forward to your prompt response.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Response
Hello 015,
It's your palm analysis regarding love, marriage and relationship.
You have clean marriage line and heart line. So that means Love and romance are favorable to you.

  • Your marriage lines are at 17 and 30 years age. So you will deeply fall in love and want to marry at those years. Especially your love affair will turn into successful marriage at around 30. 
  • Your heart line is a sign of a well balanced, happy and affectionate disposition  and it also promises of great happiness in all matters of love and affection.

Palmistry and Astrology in Islam

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I am a Buddhist in religion. Not a simple Buddhist :) but Theravada Buddhist, which are often said to be the Buddhist extremists. In Buddhism, palmistry is forbidden for Buddhist monks, not for ordinary folks. So I have been happily practicing it on hundreds of people so far. However, one email concerned me once. She was a Muslim and she was afraid that Allah might put her into hell in her afterlife for taking resort to palmistry to know the future things which was supposed to be known only by Him, not a mere palmist like me.

My question is, if Islam prohibits such practice, why do Muslim people keep asking me to read their palms till now?

And I keep searching, searching, and find many things about astrology, palmistry, and their practice by medieval Arab scholars like Al Beruni and others, really I don't care. Also I find many arguments, both in support and against astrological practice in Islam.

There are some points I really appreciate mentioning here on this purpose.
In http://quantummethod.org.bd/en/question/3494  it says that,
"Astrology is a science. It is the science of possibilities or probabilities. It conducts analysis and gives expanations and opinions about what might happen. We have saught the opinion of renowned Islamic scholars about the issue. Allama Hazrat Mowlana Abdur Rahim, Mowlana Alauddin al Azhari and other respected Islamic scholars have clearly stated that only God can say something will happen with certainty. Humans and other creations cannot. However, when someone says something might happen,  it is well within the boundaries of Islam. There is no controversy about it."

It also says that,
"In verses 26-27 of Surah Jinn Allah says,
(He alone is) the all-knower of the  ghaib (unseen), and He reveals to none His ghaib (unseen), except to a messenger (from mankind) who He has chosen.
This means that it is not impossible to know the unseen. If Allah wants to, He can open the door to this knowledge to anyone. And He has given us the assurance that if someone wants to gain a particular knowledge, He will help him attain it."

Also it says,
"The name of the 85th surah in the Quran is Al Buruj, which means the zodiac."
Can you guys have something to say about the topic?

Find out your age of marriage by yourself

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You might often wonder, how the hell a palmist could tell when my marriage would be! Well, here is the step by step procedure of measuring the ages for significant (!) love and marriage.
1.      Take a ruler.
    2.      Measure the distance between the heart line and the base of little finger. You should place the ruler by the side of your palm just the like the way as shown in the figure. Here you see, there are total  17 divisions. This length will represent 50 years life span of your life. 3.      Now count the number of divisions for marriage lines. In case of this person in the figure, we see, the marriage line is at 12 divisions counting from heart line towards the base line of the little finger.
So the age representing at 12thdivision will be his year of marriage.17 divisions = 50 years1 division = 50/17 years = 2.941 years12 division = 2.941 x 12 = 35.292 years
so the person will find his true love at 35 years age.  Now this is only in one hand. To be more accurate, you must measure the age of marriage at your left hand too. Say, there are two marriage lines at 25 years and 35 years in your left hand.So the possible years of falling in love and marriage will be at 25 and 35 years.                 I have heard about someone married at 78 years age. I wonder, how could I measure her age of marriage!You have learned how to find out the years of love and marriage. But what will happen during the marriage, and after the marriage? Will the family life be peaceful? Will your relationship turn into a successful marriage? There are lots of other questions. I hope I will clarify these topics later. But for now why don’t you roll your sleeves and get down to measure your own years of marriage and of others? Cheers!

Million Dollar Questions

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Palmistry is a pretty tough subject to learn and I see that some are trying to learn it and somehow they are getting it well. I am happy to know this person who is trying to figure out the meanings of palm lines. The problem as described by her is that she understands it well, but whenever she tries to make some sense of her own palm lines, she can't make it for herself! So obviously I should come forward to make things easier for all of you who are willing to learn it and trying to have some fun! And so here I am at your service.

DOB: March 01
Let's see her palm photos.
Left hand
Right hand

Her million dollar questions!
1. when will I get love/arrange married?
2. will I able to have good married life, as in no divorce, having a good partner?
3. As far as career, will I be well off as in wealthy?
4. If there is anything else useful  information e.g. lucky signs etc. Would be happy to know.

So, here we go.
1. when will I get love/arrange married? I have shown you how you can measure your age of marriage. The measurement shows that your age of falling in love is at around 29 and 35 years. Though you should be well aware of the fact that, your marriage lines are cut by several lines implying that your relationship won't be favorable in the eyes of your parents and somehow your love and affection will be misplaced upon a wrong person.

2. will I able to have good married life, as in no divorce, having a good partner?
Very possibly, some qualities or other things in your partner, as it will turn out later, will hurt you. It will give you some mental trouble throughout the married life.

3. As far as career, will I be well off as in wealthy?Fate line suggests that you can be well off, but not wealthy.

Some other signs tell us that you are talented, attractive but destiny will play a big role in your eventful life.