18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

Hill of your hand meaning

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Hills of a palm in Palmistry
1. Hill of Jupiter 2. Hill of Saturn
3. Hill of Apollo
4. Hill of Mercury
5. Upper hill of Mars
6. Hill of Moon
7. Hill of Venus
8. The lower hill of Mars

Hill of Jupiter in PalmistryNormal size of a palm represents confidence, nobility, enthusiasm, friendly attitude to people. This person is conservative, he honors traditions and customs, he adores luxurious ceremony.
A flat, undeveloped hill represents selfishness, inconfidence, laziness. The deeds of such a person are thoughtless. He is unable to account other people's interests.
A very big hill says the center of the Universe for such a person is he himself. His deeds are motivated by ambitions. He is used to giving orders. He is naughty, arrogant and familiar to other people.

If there is no visible space between Jupiter and Saturn the person succeeds cooperating with other person than acting on his own.
Hill of Saturn in PalmistryNormal size of the hill represents mind, inclination to self-analysis, perception of newly knowledge, prudence, discretion. A flat, undeveloped hill represents indefinite aims in the life, he perceives his life as a game, this person is capable of accomplishing the most eccentric and unexpected deeds. This is a sign of frivolity and light- heartedness.
A very big hill indicates to such features of character as gloominess, self-humiliation, fatalism, self - imprisonment, yield to suicide.
If a hill stretches out to the side of Jupiter that is a sign of high ambitions. A hill stretching out to the side of Sun (Apollo) represents good taste, developed sense of beauty.
The existence of a star (3 or more tiny crossed lines) may represent fatal event or one's life absolutely submitted to the influence of some fatal consequences.

Hill of Apollo in PalmistryNormal size of the hill is a sign of kindness, generosity, good taste and artistic abilities. A flat, undeveloped hill means gray, dull, aimless existence, a lack of any interest in art and culture. A very big hill is a sign of extravagance, pretence and love to delight.
If a hill stretches out to the side of Mercury this person is able to succeed in the field of art. If a hill coincides with Mercury it increases internal, external tendencies distinguished by the analysis of fingers.
Hill of Mercury in PalmistryNormal size of the hill represents alive, light - minded, but cunning and crafty. These people are fond of variety and noisy companies.
A flat, undeveloped hill represents a dull, uninteresting, credulous person, as a rule a failure.
A big hill represents a good sense of humor, a very big hill is characteristics of witty people, disposed to make a joke and deceive.
Upper hill of Mars in PalmistryUpper hill of Mars characterizes such qualities as moral courage, ability of heroic deeds. Normal size testifies the person's ability to act that can be considered brave from the moral point of view.
A flat hill represents selfishness and cowardice, interest in preserving his own world.
A very big, undeveloped hill represents sarcastic character inclined to mock and sneer severely.
Hill of Moon in PalmistryNormal size of the hill represents a sensitive, romantic, artistic and impressionable character. Such people are frequently fond of the sea.
A flat, undeveloped hill is characteristics of a person with developed imagination, cold, impatient to different opinions, frequently fanatics.
A very big hill is a sign of hypertrophied imagination. Such people are fond of exaggerating their stories. A high, tough hill represents a person with fertile imagination, aspired to creative work.
A high and soft hill is related to an unsteady, offended person, a dreamer.
Hill of Venus in PalmistryA wide, tough and round hill is characteristics of a warm - hearted, sincere person. Able to regret and sympathize. This person loves children. A flat, undeveloped hill represents delicacy, modesty of a person.
A big size of the hill indicates a large amount of living forces. Very big, overdeveloped hill tells of a large energetic potential and inclination to delight.
A high and tough hill is a sign of heightened sexuality, high and soft - a sign of high excitement, unsteadiness. If a lower part of the hill is more prominent than the upper one that the energy of such a person is absorbed by artistic abilities.
A big cross on Venus is a sign of a single - loving person.
Lower hill of Mars in PalmistryThe lower part of Mars characterizes such qualities as courage, bravery, aggressiveness.
Normal size of the hill is a symbol of courage, ability to keep one's head in critical conditions.
A flat hill shows a coward, unable to endure pain and physical suffer.
A very big, overdeveloped hill is a characteristic of an aggressive, bullying and cruel character. Such persons are impulsive, belligerent, they are eager to risk.

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