23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

Dangers hand lines (the palmistry warns)lines that you don't want to see

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1. Unrequited love 2. Divorce probability
3. Unhappy marriage
4. There is a danger to life. The risk is contra-indicated by that who has such mark.
5. This mark shows sterility at the women.
6. Mental disorder.
7. The owner of this mark represents a danger to other people.
8. Probably, the relatives will cause evil to you.
9. Temporary insanity.

Three main lines - Life, Head and Heart have the same point of beginning.
It is a sign of catastrophe but of other kind. In the case a person possessing such a "picture" leads himself to the death.

Head and Life lines start together. But when Heart line (our emotions and feelings) starts in the same place it means a person starts to live governed only by emotions, When he evaluates them equally to physiology and mind it leads to the catastrophe.

Head line is broken but parts of it are situated one above the other. All books tell that this sign warns about danger connected with the trauma of head, but without serious consequences.

21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Dangers hand lines (the palmistry warns)lines that you don't want to see

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1. Unrequited love 2. Divorce probability
3. Unhappy marriage
4. There is a danger to life. The risk is contra-indicated by that who has such mark.
5. This mark shows sterility at the women.
6. Mental disorder.
7. The owner of this mark represents a danger to other people.
8. Probably, the relatives will cause evil to you.
9. Temporary insanity.

Three main lines - Life, Head and Heart have the same point of beginning.
It is a sign of catastrophe but of other kind. In the case a person possessing such a "picture" leads himself to the death.

Head and Life lines start together. But when Heart line (our emotions and feelings) starts in the same place it means a person starts to live governed only by emotions, When he evaluates them equally to physiology and mind it leads to the catastrophe.

Head line is broken but parts of it are situated one above the other. All books tell that this sign warns about danger connected with the trauma of head, but without serious consequences.

20 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Main lines meaning

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Main lines in Palmistry
1. Life line 2. Head line
3. Heart line
4. Destiny line

Life lineThe length and character of the line represents the level of vital energy. Person's ability to resist disease and unfavorable outward circumstances. Change in its direction reflects changes in the life of a person.
A long and clear Life line represents a large amount of living forces, health of a person.
A short line represents a lack of energy, physical unsound state.

A break in the lines on one hand - disease and fast recovery, a break on the both hands means serious disease.
Branches rising up out of it mean sound health; branches down of it mean financial trouble and bad health.
The beginning of the line on Jupiter represents high ambitions and aspiration to success.
The line starts from Mind line speaks that a person is used to pondering over his every step.
If the beginning is much lower than Mind line it means insufficient self-control. Branches of Life line rising to Jupiter represents high self - conceit and self - assurance.

If the end of line is forked and one of the branches ends on the Moon it points at numerous distant journeys.
Head line (Mind line)The length of this line characterizes the level of intellect. Aptitude to assimilate and perceive information and also use intellectual potential.
A straight line crossing a whole palm means practical person and good organizing abilities.
It also indicates that a person has his feet firm on the ground and does not build 'castles in the air".

A straight and long Mind line represents good memory and ability to make and follow plans. A break in the line indicates an incident, influencing on the state of mind.

As a rule, little breaks indicate changes in intellectual potential but of less significance than a clear printed break.

In the case if Head line starts from Life line slightly touching it, it is a sign of sensibility, balance in character.
If a line starts far from the Life line is a sign of independence and initiative. Also it represents some direct force or energy and forces that can be wasted.
If the beginning is on the distance from Life line it represents a high excitement.
Heart lineA long, curved situated on some distance from fingers line represents kindness, sensitiveness and disposition to outward effects.
A longer and stronger line than Mind line represents that deeds of a person are determined by his impulse of heart but not of mind. A straight line indicates such qualities as concealment, and raised interest to his own personality. A short and weak line represents inability to profound, deep love. A broken line shows aspiration to flirt.
A very long, deep placed nearer to the fingers line represents that a person is jealous and his owner's attitude to his lover. An unclear line indicates big trouble in the emotional sphere. In the case if a line has many branches a person you meet is a bright, dynamic personality.

Destiny line
The absence of Destiny line is a sign of a calm, peaceful life without any adventures. A straight and unbroken line is a sign of successful unburden life. Breaks, dotted lines represent thrilling periods combined with periods of trouble and misfortune.
In the case if a line consists of individual elements covered each other positive changes can be expected in the future.
Short incisions on the line symbolize obstacles. In the case if a hill touches the Saturn - a person lives within the bounds of his possibilities.
A curved line round the Jupiter represents a person has to achieve success relying on his own forces.
If a line starts from Head and Heart lines the success will be achieved at the end of his life.
If a line starts from Life line a point of break signifies the new period of independent life.
The beginning of a line from bracelets represents that a person has a sense of responsibility since his early childhood.
The beginning of line from the Moon represents a variety of life, numerous trips and travels.
If a line starts from the Venus and ends by the Saturn it represents a happy, cheerful childhood and also can predict a large inheritance.

Dangers hand lines (the palmistry warns)lines that you don't want to see

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1. Unrequited love 2. Divorce probability
3. Unhappy marriage
4. There is a danger to life. The risk is contra-indicated by that who has such mark.
5. This mark shows sterility at the women.
6. Mental disorder.
7. The owner of this mark represents a danger to other people.
8. Probably, the relatives will cause evil to you.
9. Temporary insanity.

Three main lines - Life, Head and Heart have the same point of beginning.
It is a sign of catastrophe but of other kind. In the case a person possessing such a "picture" leads himself to the death.

Head and Life lines start together. But when Heart line (our emotions and feelings) starts in the same place it means a person starts to live governed only by emotions, When he evaluates them equally to physiology and mind it leads to the catastrophe.

Head line is broken but parts of it are situated one above the other. All books tell that this sign warns about danger connected with the trauma of head, but without serious consequences.

Minor lines meaning

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Minor Lines in Palmistry
1. Line of Mars 2. Solomon's circle
3. Bracelets
4. Belt of Venus
5. Children line
6. Marriage lines
7. Line of Apollo
8. Intuition line
9. Health line

Line of Mars in PalmistryThe other name of the line is an internal line. As a rule, presence of the line usually absent at the present represents a person has coped with difficulties or overcome tense dangerous periods in his life.
This line is able to defend a person. It is a lucky sign.

Solomon's circle in Palmistry
Solomon's circle cannot be found on any hand as a rule it represents a disposition of a person to occultism. In addition to it this person has all opportunities to achieve success in this field because he is encouraged not by simple curiosity.
Bracelets in Palmistry Parallel, clear distinguished bracelets are a sign of healthy, long and happy life. Chained upper bracelets predict unexpected happiness after big trouble.
The presence of line rising up to the Jupiter represents long and prosperous travel. The line coming from upper bracelets to the Sun represents trip to any hot country. The line coming from an upper bracelet to the Mercury means a sudden inheritance.
Each of the lines coming from upper bracelets to the Moon predicts a travel

Belt of Venus in Palmistry
The absence of the line means a person with a calm character who is able to control his feelings. Clear printed line tells of high emotional state, high excitability.
A broken line - a supersensitive state of its owner. If a line ends on the Mercury it is a sign of a large energetic potential and simultaneously disposition to extreme things.

Children line in Palmistry
How many children shall I have? The answer to this question was simple recently. Now, Children lines on a hand of the modern woman show only her potential opportunities.

Marriage lines in Palmistry
A clear printed Marriage line characterizes not only marriage itself but also close relationships and partnership. The number of lines shows a number of people whom a person has relationships with. Unclear hardly printed lines display a number of small intrigues of no importance in a person's life.
A break in the Marriage lines can represent divorce, split- up.
If broken lines cover each other the re-establishment will occur. A double line indicates simultaneous relation with 2 persons. The depth of each line represents the depth of relations. A clear-formed arch rising to the little finger represents a single life where there are relations with opposite sex.

Line of Apollo in Palmistry
The people who have such a line must be reliable. One can trust them completely. This line appears in most cases when a person knows what he wants to do and he works hard to get the aim.
Intuition line in PalmistryThe presence of this line is a sign of rather a sensitive impressive character. A person with a clear, distinguished line often becomes a prophet or foreteller.
Health line in PalmistryAs it could sound ridiculous but the absence of the line represents a sound health. A deep, clear line represents weak health and yield to illness.
A wave line - problems related to digestive system. An unclear, vague line is a sign of weak endurance. In the case if a line touches Life line it is necessary to draw one's attention to a person's state of health.

19 Haziran 2012 Salı

Meaning Of Fingers

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A new study by Korean researchers found that the length of men's fingers indicates the length of their penises. The study found that the longer a man's right-hand ring finger is than his right-hand index finger, the longer his penis. To test their hypothesis, the researchers stretched men's flaccid penises as much as possible before measuring them because "stretched [flaccid] penile length provides a reliable estimate of the potential maximal elongation during erection," the researchers wrote. "Therefore, the technique applied here for stretched penile length measurement is highly recommended for accurate prediction of erect penile length. Penile length was measured under anaesthesia, avoiding pain or discomfort when the penis was fully stretched."Meaning Of Fingers Thinkstock 

The difference in length between the right-hand ring finger and the index finger -- a comparison scientists call the "digit ratio" or "2D:4D," for "second digit" (index finger) and "fourth digit" (ring finger) -- is studied avidly because it correlates directly with many physical, behavioral, psychological, and sexual aspects of human life.

Males typically have longer right-hand ring fingers than right-hand index fingers. (Paradoxically, this larger difference in length is called a "low digit ratio.") Females' right-hand ring and index fingers are typically the same length. (This is called a "high digit ratio.") The farther apart the fingers are in length, the lower the ratio; the closer in length, the higher the ratio. Digit ratios are largely determined by male and female hormones, to which fetuses are exposed in utero.

Meaning Of Fingers

Entertainment Preferences 

Individuals with longer ring fingers -- that is, low 2D:4D -- prefer action films, hip-hop, erotic footage, and video games involving killing over other types of entertainment. This recent study, also out of Korea, also found that low 2D:4D folks -- that is, mainly men -- really dislike romance films. (High 2D:4D folks like them.) "In addition, we found that low 2D:4D was associated with a preference for sports instead of other genres of entertainment products," the researchers wrote. "Therefore, 2D:4D helps us to better understand the rationale of individuals’ preferences for media violence."

Sexual Orientation  

Males with very low 2D:4D have a higher likelihood than other men of being gay, according to a study by University of Liverpool researchers.  "There was a significant positive relationship between mean 2D:4D ratio and exclusive homosexuality," the researchers wrote. Another study by the University of California, Berkeley, confirmed these connections, adding that the likelihood is even higher among men with elder brothers. The Berkeley researchers also noted that lesbians tend to have low -- that is, typically male -- digit ratios.


Males with high-digit ratios -- that is, typically "feminized" ratios with index and ring fingers of the same length -- are more likely to be depressed than men with low-digit ratios. The University of Alberta study found high rates of clinical depression in men with those digit ratios. "The risk and prevalence of major depression is about twice as high for females compared to males," the researchers wrote. "Not only do women report depression more often, but they also report more symptoms per depressive episode, and are more susceptible to stressors than men. If this is the case, higher, more feminine digit ratios should correlate with higher scores for depression within each sex." And they do. 

Sports Skills 

People with low-digit ratios -- that is, longer ring fingers -- are good at sports. A subsequent University of Liverpool study found lower-than-average digit ratios among professional football players and concluded that low-digit-ratio guys are athletic, aggressive and especially skilled at navigating space, which is a key skill in sports. A study that focused on the finger lengths of skiers found that the lower the digit ratio, the faster the skier.

Math Skills  

People with low-digit ratios are better at math than people with high-digit ratios. According to a study published in the British Journal of Psychology, people with high-digit ratios tested better in literacy while low 2D:4D folks tested better at math.


People with low-digit ratios -- that is, longer ring fingers -- are more likely to be cooperative than egoistic or altruistic. This finding surprised the University of Leuven researchers who conducted the study that yielded it. Because low 2D:4D is associated with aggression, competitiveness, status-seeking, and dominance-seeking, the researchers expected to find that in situations involving finance low 2D:4D folks would grab status and dominance by acting either egoistically (that is, selfishly, by refusing to pay their fair share) or altruistically (that is, paying more than their fair share as a demonstration of power), rather than playing fair. "We found the exact opposite," the researchers wrote. 

Types of hands Palmistry

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Practical hand in Palmistry  
The square- shaped palm with short fingers. These people are hard-working, responsible and they live without having their heads in the clouds.
Intuitive hand in Palmistry  
The long palm with short fingers. The owners of this hand are energetic, active, individual and quick-witted.
Sensitive hand in Palmistry  
The long palm with long fingers. It represents fertile imagination, emotionality, disposition to evaluate all depending on the mood, conversion to the depth of soul.
Intellectual hand in Palmistry  
The square - shaped palm with long fingers. Represents mind, rational mentality, punctuality and sometimes-superfluous conscience.
Mixed type in Palmistry  
The long palm with short fingers. The owners of this hand are energetic, active, quick-witted and individual.

Dangers hand lines (the palmistry warns)lines that you don't want to see

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1. Unrequited love 2. Divorce probability
3. Unhappy marriage
4. There is a danger to life. The risk is contra-indicated by that who has such mark.
5. This mark shows sterility at the women.
6. Mental disorder.
7. The owner of this mark represents a danger to other people.
8. Probably, the relatives will cause evil to you.
9. Temporary insanity.

Three main lines - Life, Head and Heart have the same point of beginning.
It is a sign of catastrophe but of other kind. In the case a person possessing such a "picture" leads himself to the death.

Head and Life lines start together. But when Heart line (our emotions and feelings) starts in the same place it means a person starts to live governed only by emotions, When he evaluates them equally to physiology and mind it leads to the catastrophe.

Head line is broken but parts of it are situated one above the other. All books tell that this sign warns about danger connected with the trauma of head, but without serious consequences.

Positive qualities lines on hand

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Positive qualities
1. Tactful man. 2. The owner of such mark is in love.
3. The responsible man.
4. The devoted man.

Square in palmistry is big and wide. A person with this sign has clear mind, generosity and sensible thoughts.
If a square is widened at the top it is a sign of financial prosperity.

Big triangle in palmistry is a soul of a person. Its square is proportionally to human generosity. A clear picture reflects to what extent the soul is clear and straight. The most important is a presence of angle formed by Head line and the Mercury. In perfect size it must be absolutely straight, it means equal to 90*.

Minor triangle in palmistry is nice and even. Represents intelligence, ability of mind to be ready for any kind of training. It always impresses the society where a person lives and works.

Marriage and children lines

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Marriage and Children in Palmistry
Long or short close relations but bright ones leaving traces on the person's life notwithstanding they are official or not are reflected on the hand. The Marriage line distinguishes mostly these relationships. Although the Marriage line shows a number of stable sexual relations. They are still secondary so they tend to change. Sometimes a weak line can disappear or become clear. But clear line can diminish. Lines of young people (youngsters) tend to change constantly. The hand is not formed yet approximately till 21-26 years old.
As a right hand for the right - hander is dominant so it reflects conscientious relations with partners, left - unconscientiously, i.e. aspiration to a partner, some definite plans of sexual character to some person than a sexual relation itself. To determine a number of children is the most difficult task in the palm reading. The number of short lines rising to the little finger out of the Marriage line usually represents a number of children.
The progress in the medicine and progress itself allows to preserve or even get rid of unexpected pregnancy. So a number of lines of a female reflect a number of possible children including abortion, miscarriages even of the little periods when a woman is not knowledgeable of her pregnancy. The lines of male represent a number of real children.
A number of clear lines - a number he can make a woman pregnant.

18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

Hill of your hand meaning

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Hills of a palm in Palmistry
1. Hill of Jupiter 2. Hill of Saturn
3. Hill of Apollo
4. Hill of Mercury
5. Upper hill of Mars
6. Hill of Moon
7. Hill of Venus
8. The lower hill of Mars

Hill of Jupiter in PalmistryNormal size of a palm represents confidence, nobility, enthusiasm, friendly attitude to people. This person is conservative, he honors traditions and customs, he adores luxurious ceremony.
A flat, undeveloped hill represents selfishness, inconfidence, laziness. The deeds of such a person are thoughtless. He is unable to account other people's interests.
A very big hill says the center of the Universe for such a person is he himself. His deeds are motivated by ambitions. He is used to giving orders. He is naughty, arrogant and familiar to other people.

If there is no visible space between Jupiter and Saturn the person succeeds cooperating with other person than acting on his own.
Hill of Saturn in PalmistryNormal size of the hill represents mind, inclination to self-analysis, perception of newly knowledge, prudence, discretion. A flat, undeveloped hill represents indefinite aims in the life, he perceives his life as a game, this person is capable of accomplishing the most eccentric and unexpected deeds. This is a sign of frivolity and light- heartedness.
A very big hill indicates to such features of character as gloominess, self-humiliation, fatalism, self - imprisonment, yield to suicide.
If a hill stretches out to the side of Jupiter that is a sign of high ambitions. A hill stretching out to the side of Sun (Apollo) represents good taste, developed sense of beauty.
The existence of a star (3 or more tiny crossed lines) may represent fatal event or one's life absolutely submitted to the influence of some fatal consequences.

Hill of Apollo in PalmistryNormal size of the hill is a sign of kindness, generosity, good taste and artistic abilities. A flat, undeveloped hill means gray, dull, aimless existence, a lack of any interest in art and culture. A very big hill is a sign of extravagance, pretence and love to delight.
If a hill stretches out to the side of Mercury this person is able to succeed in the field of art. If a hill coincides with Mercury it increases internal, external tendencies distinguished by the analysis of fingers.
Hill of Mercury in PalmistryNormal size of the hill represents alive, light - minded, but cunning and crafty. These people are fond of variety and noisy companies.
A flat, undeveloped hill represents a dull, uninteresting, credulous person, as a rule a failure.
A big hill represents a good sense of humor, a very big hill is characteristics of witty people, disposed to make a joke and deceive.
Upper hill of Mars in PalmistryUpper hill of Mars characterizes such qualities as moral courage, ability of heroic deeds. Normal size testifies the person's ability to act that can be considered brave from the moral point of view.
A flat hill represents selfishness and cowardice, interest in preserving his own world.
A very big, undeveloped hill represents sarcastic character inclined to mock and sneer severely.
Hill of Moon in PalmistryNormal size of the hill represents a sensitive, romantic, artistic and impressionable character. Such people are frequently fond of the sea.
A flat, undeveloped hill is characteristics of a person with developed imagination, cold, impatient to different opinions, frequently fanatics.
A very big hill is a sign of hypertrophied imagination. Such people are fond of exaggerating their stories. A high, tough hill represents a person with fertile imagination, aspired to creative work.
A high and soft hill is related to an unsteady, offended person, a dreamer.
Hill of Venus in PalmistryA wide, tough and round hill is characteristics of a warm - hearted, sincere person. Able to regret and sympathize. This person loves children. A flat, undeveloped hill represents delicacy, modesty of a person.
A big size of the hill indicates a large amount of living forces. Very big, overdeveloped hill tells of a large energetic potential and inclination to delight.
A high and tough hill is a sign of heightened sexuality, high and soft - a sign of high excitement, unsteadiness. If a lower part of the hill is more prominent than the upper one that the energy of such a person is absorbed by artistic abilities.
A big cross on Venus is a sign of a single - loving person.
Lower hill of Mars in PalmistryThe lower part of Mars characterizes such qualities as courage, bravery, aggressiveness.
Normal size of the hill is a symbol of courage, ability to keep one's head in critical conditions.
A flat hill shows a coward, unable to endure pain and physical suffer.
A very big, overdeveloped hill is a characteristic of an aggressive, bullying and cruel character. Such persons are impulsive, belligerent, they are eager to risk.

The right and left hand, Simple Handreading

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Note that palmists consider the left hand (in a right-handed person) to represent the unconscious life as well as the person's potential. The right hand represents what is actual, how an individual has handled his problems, or how easy or difficult it has been for him to follow his original "life path."


Texture is determined by feeling the skin on the back of the hand. It is the key to the natural refinement of the person. The difference in the texture of the two hands can reveal much about a person's social mobility. If the left is rough while the right is smoother, the person has attained some refinement. Very fine texture tells that the person just can't say "So what!" These people are oversensitive to what others do and say about them, no matter how tough their demeanor. Very fine texture can be found on the hands of those who do the roughest tasks, and conversely, rough texture can be found on young and (seemingly) refined boarding school students.


The degree of elasticity of the muscles of the hand indicates the flexibility or rigidity of the personality. If, as you shake the hand, the hand grips and releases as you release, the person is usually intelligent, trustworthy and full of energy. The person with hard consistency has tremendous physical energy but is not at all cerebral. The person with weak consistency has low energy and is hard to stir to activity. This is why we are often turned off by the "dead fish" handshake.


If the fingers are stiff, so is the person. An argument with him is an exercise in futility. He lives in the past, isn't receptive to new ideas, tends to hoard old possessions, and is narrow in his outlook. The owner of the flexible hand is versatile and mentally adaptable. But if the fingers are very flexible, the person is often weak-willed and overly susceptible to other's ideas. What we look for are medium qualities in these tests. Also, you can begin to see that if a person has hard consistency and lack of flexibility in his hands, he is more rigid than the person with hard consistency and flexible fingers.


The color of the palm is an indication of the temperament and health of the person, and is directly related to the bloodstream. Most palms are a shade of pink. The white-palmed person may be cold and distant; he lacks sensuality, is dreamy and mystical and makes few friends. Red palms signify intensity of physical expression. These people are ardent. Yellow color signifies a cynical pessimist who can be sarcastic and moody. He always crosses bridges before he gets there and can be very uncooperative. Blue color is usually seen after illness or surgery.


Nails give us an insight into the robustness and sensitivity of the person. They are like windows. Look for smooth, pliable nails without bumps, fluting or scaling. Any variation shows us something is out of balance.
Any mark, be it a white dot or a knife mark, shows that a serious physical or emotional upheaval has occurred. The timing of the event is told by the location of the mark. It takes six months for a nail to grow out, so if the mark occurs in the middle of the nail, the event took place three months ago.
The shape of the nail gives us more information. A narrow nail, compared to the width of the whole fleshy part of the finger, shows a lack of robustness. Nervous energy keeps these people going. The broad nail is usually a sign of muscular strength and energy. The deep or long nail (from cuticle to tip) belongs to the frank person. If the nail is deep as well as broad, the person is open and easy to get along with. Medium-short nails often tell of a quizzical nature. However, very short nails, especially if bitten, reveal a very critical personality. The criticism is often turned towards the self, and, if the cuticle is also ragged, he is literally "running himself ragged."


The general rule is the more pointed the tip the more idealistic the person, the broader the tip, the more practical. The spatulate tip, the broadest, wants action, is on the go and is extremely enthusiastic. Conic tips suggest artistic, impulsive people who rely more on intuition than on reasoning.
Noted palmist Frank Andrews told me that most babies have spatulate fingertips, showing their freedom and openness. During the school years, the tips tend to change and become squared as the children are expected to accept a certain amount of dogma by rote. As they mature, however, it is not uncommon for the tips to become more conic or rounded as the individual creativity develops and is allowed to express itself. If the person becomes extremely religious his fingertips may become pointed, showing the least resistance to divine inspiration.
Andrews illustrated the distinctions between the varying fingertips by describing the sort of artwork that might be done by each type. The artist with spatulate fingertips would paint a horse running through a field. The feeling would be expansive, and the canvas probably large. The artist with square tips would paint the horse standing still and would include lots of detail in his picture. The artist with conic tips would create a painting of a very beautiful horse, using lots of color to illustrate its magnifagance. However, the artist with pointed fingertips would see his horse with wings and would possibly depict him as a flying horse. Picasso had spatulate and squared fingertips, and was, of course, one of the pioneers of the cubist style of painting.

Smooth and knotted joints

All of us have two joints on each finger and one on the thumb. People with pronounced joints or knots are neat, lead orderly lives, and are the doubting Thomases of the world. The more pronounced the knot, the more philosophical, slow-acting and less likely to be led they are. Overmeticulousness is thought by some to cause arthritis. If you have smooth fingers, you may develop knots later if your personality becomes overly judgmental.

Long and short fingers

People with long fingertips go into the smallest details. They don't accept change easily and are offended at the drop of a hat. The short-fingered person despises detail. He thinks big, quickly, and considers the whole picture. Don't give him details; give him results. He is intuitive and gets to the point. Often he is a fast talker and may be impulsive and hotheaded.


The hand as a whole is divided into three worlds: the mental, the practical, and the material or sensual. Because it is rare to find a balanced hand, one or two worlds usually predominate. If the fingers are very long, the mental world predominates. A large middle section (the area from where the thumb is attached to its webbing up to the base of the fingers) belongs to the person who is interested in practical matters; he is your businessman. If the third world (from the thumb to the wrist, that is, the heel of the hand) is large, the person wants results and is quite capable of asking for what he wants. He is also usually a physically oriented person. Professional people often have prominent first and third worlds. And the wise ones leave the business side of their work to others. A person with little third world is not asking enough from life, both materially and emotionally.

The lines

The lines of the hand show the details of one's life. When events have strongly impressed themselves upon the brain, lines appear. However, if someone makes a dire prediction about you because of a line in your hand, run, do not walk to the nearest exit. Lines can change in as little as three weeks, when you change your point of view, and thus your destiny.
In general, the deeper and clearer the lines in your hand, the clearer your path will be. And please note that the length of the life line does not necessarily determine how long you will live! The curve of it, however, can tell a lot about a person's love life. A very curved life line, sweeping into the palm, outlining a large cushion or heel of the hand attached to the thumb, usually belongs to a lustful, healthy, good-natured, warm person. A life line that cleaves close to the thumb, with a fairly flat heel, can be the sign of a person who is more mental than physical, is shy, and tends to have relationships that are more platonic than sexual.

The mounds

The prominence or absence of mounds tells us much about the character, preferences and dilemmas of the person. For example, a large prominent mound under the finger of Jupiter (the pointer finger) suggests a leader, one who uses his voice effectively to influence people, who can be an overprotective parent, is predisposed to drinking problems, and should only marry a person he is proud of. Now if the subject also has a prominent mound of Venus (the cushiony portion attached to the thumb) he can be very attracted to a lover because of lust. Thus a conflict is present. He may be crazy about a woman because of their physical relationship, but if he isn't proud of her, a marriage between them will never work.
The interesting part of this study really begins when the different worlds and tests are placed together. Not only does each finger represent different character qualities, but also the phalanx of each finger. Now, consider that the lines in your hands can actually change within months-I can personally bear witness to that.

The simian line

When the heart and headlines are fused, as on a monkey's palm, the existing line is called the "simian" line. Although this is often evidence of Down's Syndrome in infants, palmists believe that it can be a sign of genius as well. It is also thought to indicate intensity and is not uncommon on the hands of people who agonize and have overly possessive attitudes.

4 major palm reading lines in most hands

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There are 4 major palm reading lines in most hands.
The major lines in your hand are the Life Line, the Heart Line, the Head Line, and the Fate Line.
The major lines give basic information about you, like how you function physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Of course, the major lines of palmistry are only one source of information, and other parts of the hand can tell you much about each of these categories too.
Here's an introduction to these lines of palmistry.
How to interpret them will be discovered in the articles on line quality and placement.

1. Palm Reading -- Life Line

Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Life Linewicca-spirituality-spacer

The Life Line curves around the base of the thumb, starting between the index finger and thumb.
Contrary to popular misconception, the length of the Life Line does not determine how long you will live.
In palm reading, the Life Line shows
Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Life Line
  • Health
  • Vitality and general energy level
  • Sexuality
  • Quality of life
  • Prosperity

Here's a neat tip. In palmistry a double Life Line is seen fairly often. This line echoes the Life Line, but can be even less than half as long, held within the curve of the Life Line. This is often called an Angel Line, and signifies that angels or other higher powers are watching over and protecting you.
Even if you don't believe in angels, a double Life Line increases the power of health and vitality in a person.
The longer the double Life Line, the better!



2. PalmReading -- Head Line

Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Head Linewicca-spirituality-spacer

The Head Line runs horizontally across the middle of the palm. It reflects your mind and brain.
The Head Line shows things like ...
Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Head Line
  • Level of intelligence,
  • Type of intelligence,
  • Memory,
  • Concentration.

Rarely in palmistry a double Head Line is seen. Doubling a line usually strengthens its energy, but only if they are in harmony.
This often indicates someone with a lot of talent and an instinct for business. They will tend to do well in life.
If the double Head Lines go in different directions or seem far apart, it can indicate more of a double-personality... that is, the person will have two mental perspectives that conflict, and they will consequently have trouble "knowing their own mind."
Of course, this is not to be confused with one head line ending and another overlapping or beginning after a space. That is a broken head line.

3. Palm Reading -- Heart (Love) Line

Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Heart Linewicca-spirituality-spacer

The heart line runs horizontally across the top of the hand. It reflects your heart, on both physical and emotional levels.
It demonstrates...
  • Emotionality,
  • Passion and sensuality,
  • Ability to love and accept love,
  • Emotional maturity,
  • Manner of relationships.
The Heart Line is one of the most important lines of palmistry, especially in this age of transition for humanity.

4. Palm Reading -- Fate Line

Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Fate Linewicca-spirituality-spacer

The Fate Line runs vertically from the base of the palm up the middle of the palm, more or less.
The Fate Line in palmistry is sometimes considered a minor line, rather than a major line. It doesn't show up in every hand. Yet it is a dominant line, compared to the other minor lines.
To get you started, and because most people want to know about their "fate," let's look at what it means.
The Fate Line shows...
Palm Reading Chart - Diagram of Fate Line
  • Success
  • "Pre-destined" vocation
  • Career path
  • Possible types of Career

Mount of Jupiter

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Location and Characteristics

Mount of Jupiter is situated at the base of the index finger. It represents god power, leadership, organization and authority.


Persons with well-developed mount of Jupiter have godly qualities. They are learned and are always prepared to help others. All the Justices of Supreme courts and other higher courts are have well-developed Mount of Jupiter. Such persons are mostly religious minded.

Persons with under -developed mount of Jupiter lack the above qualities. They have ordinary physique. They are more inclined towards attainment of respect and good reputation rather than wealth. They have a soft corner for the opposite sex.

Persons with no mount of Jupiter are found with the company of low class people and they give little respect to their parents.

Persons with over developed mount of Jupiter are selfish and proud.

Mount of Apollo

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Location and Characteristics

Mount of Apollo is situated at the base of the ring finger and on the upper part of the heart line. It represents self-confidence, kindness and grandeur.


Person with well developed mount of Apollo becomes a genius and famous. They are of cheerful nature and work in close co-operation with friends.

Persons with under -developed mount of Apollo would be interested in beauty. But they would not be able to succeed in this field.

Persons with no mount of Apollo leads a very ordinary life. They would be a boring, dull minded and stupid fellow.

Persons with over developed mount of Apollo would be very pompous, arrogant and a flatterer.

17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Mount of Moon

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Location and Characteristics Mount of Moon is situated at the base of the palm, opposite the thumb. It represents imagination, beauty and emotions. Variations Person with well developed mount of Moon are lovers of nature and beauty. Such persons are full of religious ideas and can be artists, musicians and men of letters. Persons with under -developed mount of Moon is imaginative and makes

Line of Marriage

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e The line or lines of marriage may rise on the side of the hand or be only marked across the front of the Mount of Mercury. From a marriage point of view - line on the Mount of Mercury gives a very fair idea of the age at the time of marriage may also be obtained. Only long lines relate to marriages, the short ones to deep affection or marriage. Some of variations of lifeline and its